H2 Combustion
Reaction Class Reference

Class that represents a reaction. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void addEfficiency (Substance *, double)
void addEfficiency (std::pair< Substance *, double >)
void addSubstance (Substance *s, bool is_product, bool optional=false)
double getH ()
double getK (double=300)
double getK_lp (double=300)
std::vector< Substance * > * getLpProducts ()
std::vector< Substance * > * getLpReactants ()
std::vector< Substance * > * getProducts ()
std::vector< Substance * > * getReactants ()
bool isTroe ()
ReactionmakeReverse ()
void setAdditionalParameters (double, double, double)
void setParameters (double, double, double, double)
void setTroe (double)


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, Reaction &r)

Detailed Description

This class can store all informations that can be parsed by ReactionParser. Furthermore it is responsible for calculating the reaction rate constant of the corresponding reaction in dependence of the temperature.

The reaction coefficient is calculated using getK(). If the reaction is a Troe reaction, getK() gives the high pressure limit of the reaction coefficient. The low pressure limit can then be obtained using getK_lp().

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